
Wednesday, July 10, 2013



Hen Party Bear

Muffy the Chippendale

Okay, maybe there are a couple of us girls
that would still blush a bit at the Male Chippendales. 
When I attend Hen Parties, I bring my own male dancer.
With Muffy, at the Bachelorette party, it is all smiles. 
This pattern is dedicated to my late, great Mother-in-law, Monica.
I remember her glorious laugh, when Muffy arrived at the party.
Navy Blue and White sport-weight yarn
4 mm / G Hook
Size: Fits a Muffy 8” Bear
Gauge: not critical
Note: This outfit can be modified to different sizes.
You could use baby yarn or thread and a smaller hook to make this outfit for a smaller doll,
Or use a worsted weight and larger hook for a bigger doll. 
You can also adjust the number of chains on the belt to be thinner or fatter.
The bow tie can also be wider or longer by adding a few beginning chains or extra rows.
~ = Approximately
Beg = Beginning
Ch(s) = Chain(s)
Dc = Double Crochet
Dc-Dec = Double Crochet Decrease
FLO = Front Loop Only
FO = Fasten Off
Hdc = Half Double Crochet
MR = Magic Ring
Sc = Single Crochet
ss = Slip Stitch
St(s) = Stitch(es)

US Terminology

G-String:  [Forms a Triangle]
1.    [Right side] With White, Ch 8, Sc in 2nd ch from hook and next 6.  (7 sc)
2.    Ch 1, turn, Sc across.  (7 sc)
3.    Ch 1, turn, Sc-Dec, Sc in next 3, Sc-Dec.  (5 sc)
4.    Ch 1, turn, Sc across.  (5 sc)
5.    Ch 1, turn, Sc-Dec, Sc in next, Sc-Dec.  (3 sc)
6.    Ch 1, turn, Sc-Dec over all 3 sts.  (1 sc)
7.    Ch 1, turn, Sc.  Ch 1 and FO. (1 sc)

1.     With Navy, and with right side facing,
        join with a ss in the last sc [the bottom point of the triangle].  
        Ch 10 [This is the under-strap].  FO.

2.     With Navy, and right side facing,
        join with a ss in the sc at top left side of triangle. 
        Ch 10. Pull up the under-strap.  

        Be sure not to twist.  Ss into the 10th ch.   (see photo below)
        Ch 10 more.   Join with a ss to the beg ch [top of other side of the triangle]. 
        FO and weave in the ends.
 Bow Tie:  

1.    With Navy, Ch 11, Sc in 2nd ch from hook and the next 9.  (10 sc)
2.    Ch 1, turn, Sc across. (10 sc) 
3.   Repeat row 2 and FO at the end. (10 sc)

With White, Ch 25.
Now squeeze the center of the Bow, and make 2 snug Sc’s around the center.
Ch 25 and FO.  You can tie a small knot on each end of the ties to secure.
Or weave in the ends if you wish.

Cop Hat: 
  1. With Navy, Start with a MR, Ch 3, 11 Dc in the ring.  Join to top of beg ch-3 with a ss.  (12 dc)
  2. Ch 3, Dc in the same st, 2 Dc in each around. Join. (24 dc)
  3. Ch 3, Dc in the same st, Dc in the next st, (2 Dc in next, Dc in next) around. Join. (36 dc)
  4. Ch 3, (Dc-Dec over next 2 sts) around, Dc in last st.  Join. (19dc)
  5. Ch 1, Sc around (add 1 st on each side).  Join.  (21 sc)
  6. Ch 1, Sc in first 7 sc, 2 Sc in next st;
Bill (for bill use FLO): 2 Hdc in next st, 2 Dc in next 3 sts, 2 Hdc in next st,

2 Sc in next st, Sc in last 7 sts.  Join.  (28 sc)
  1. Ch 1, Sc in first 7 sts, [for Ear Loop] Ch 8, ss in next st, Sc in next 12 sts, ss in the next st, Ch 8, Sc in last 7 sts.  FO with an end (about 8”) to tack down the back of hat and behind the ears on the sides.
You can surface crochet (or weave a contrasting yarn) between rows 5 and 6 for accent.

 Print some money, and let’s go out and Party!

 Muffy Money to Print:
You might need to size the money.
Dollars that are about 1 1/2" to 2" long are a nice size for Muffy.

 2006 P Perkins




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